

Republic of Singapore is an island city-state, composed of 63 islands, situated in the Southeast Asia. Its population is around 5,7 million people, but due to its small territory the country is 3rd in the world in population density. The capital city is Singapore and also it is the largest one.There are 4 official languages – English, Mandarin, Malayan and Tamil, but English is adopted as the main language of instruction.II


Singapore is the best developed free market economy in Southeast Asia, as it is counter among the so-called East Asia Tigers (South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong).

Rapidly developing industries are shipbuilding, electronics and one of the strongest sectors the petrochemical Industry. Singapore is ranked one of the best financial and currency centers. The gambling industry is also very well developed (2nd in the world). One of the biggest container ports in the world is in Singapore.

Singapore is attracting many foreign investments (more than 7000 international companies) due to facts such as location, low taxes and zero tolerance to corruption.

Tourism in the country is also very well developed – 17 million tourists yearly.


There are 34 universities in total in Singapore, 6 of which are national. The other universities are international or campuses of foreign universities. The best known are campuses of:

– The University of Adelaide
– University of Chicago Graduate School of Business
– Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
– James Cook University Singapore
– S.P Jain School of Global Management
– ESSEC Business School
– Cardiff Metropolitan University|
– University of Nevada Las Vegas Singapore
– New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts
– Curtin University Singapore
– DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore
– Temple University Singapore
– Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
– Yale NUs College
– École Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales
– German Institute of Science and Technology – TUM Asia
Sorbonne-Assas International Law School

Teaching Methods

Bachelor programmes – 3-4 years

Master programmes – 1-2 years

It is one of the best education systems in the world, composed of many researches and practice and also compulsory internships. It is a common thing for students to be given the opportunity to choose the subjects they want to study (target/elective classes).

International Students

Singapore is attracting international students because of its reputation of being a leader in higher education in Asia and the word, also with its well-developed education system, its quality of life and the numerous opportunities for personal growth and development. International students in Singapore are estimated to be over 80 000, most of the come from China and India, but Singapore is a priority destination for students from USA and Europe as well. At the best universities in Singapore, NUS and NTU, the percentage of international students is around 30%.


Singapore offers huge range of programmes. Some of the most popular among international students are: Business and Management, International Business Administration, IT, Engineering, Architecture and Medicine. The main language of instruction in Singapore is English


2 of Singapore universities are ranked in TOP 100, according to the QS World University Rankings – National University of Singapore (NUS) – ranked 11th, and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) – ranked 12th. Another specialised University of Management, that is often being put in world rankings is Singapore Management University (SMU)

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